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Accountability Through Self-Reflection


Self-reflection is a powerful accountability tool that identifies how you can improve on your character and become a better individual.
All it requires is for you to spend a little quality time with yourself.

Have you ever been in a situation where you took the wrong decision and it came back to hunt you?  Well not to worry we have all been in that situation at a point or the other.

One of the biggest challenges with self- reflection is that the only person you’re accountable to is yourself. At that moment you would most likely go lenient on yourself and give yourself a pass on doing what you know you should do.

After you allow this slip, you very quickly become your own worst critic. You engage in harsh and detrimental self-judgment, and it is through this dark lens you look at your failures and motivation is destroyed.

When you have a stronger sense of self, you are better able to deal with the challenges that arise in your life. Reflecting and building a plan to address challenges is a cornerstone of productivity and motivation. To achieve this, you must look inside, figure out what’s in the way, and act to work past it.  

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